Think back to the first video from Session 4 - the Up, In, Out pattern of the life of a follower of Jesus.
The 'Up' and the 'In' form the foundation for the 'Out'
This Waymark is all about the outward looking dimension. How is God calling you to make a difference?
Let's begin with a short video which explores this....
It's essential we know what the purpose of the Jesus Movement (the church really is)
The video below explores this with reference to what Jesus said about his purposes and helps us explore what our particular roles within God's purposes for the whole world are
Some people talk about having a 'Holy Discontent' This is one way God speaks to us about our role within his purposes
This is the thing which you just can' t get out of your head, the injustice, the need, the community, even the person; you feel you need to help.
What do you really care about? In the life of the church? In the life of the wider world?
What do you enjoy doing? What do you think you can do well?
How might God be calling you to serve others?
The questions in the table below - part 5 of the Course Handbook might help you consider these things. Again, working these things through with a Soul Friend could make all the difference.
We hope and pray that working your way through these 5 sessions has at least begun the process of you intentionally building a balanced and healthy Way of Life which works for you where you are right now
Do work through these 5 sessions as many times as you like and do check out the resources section on this website.
Finally, we believe that to follow Jesus is to follow him in community - it's a team game!
The short video below summarises the difference having a Soul Friend can make. If you'd like to know more, fill in the contact form below the video......